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United Trinity Parish – LeRoy and Humeston, Iowa
"Through the Seasons"
Adult Choir
Bible Study meets Thursdays, 1:30pm in Fellowship Hall at the HCUM Church.
All are welcome.
We will see you January 16, 2025.
Ed Coffey thanks all who helped and participated in any way with the Thanksgving Dinner.
Humeston Church Choir (Call Linda for details.)
For more information contact:
the church office -
phone: (641)-877-4641
or the choir director, Linda Watkins -
phone: (641) 877-6471
Ways to Participate:
Music - join a choir, provide special music
Bible Study - weekly meeting at Humeston to learn about scripture and how to apply it to our daily lives
Community Fellowship - community fellowship such as Barnstormers, Cubs, Iowa Wild, and Buccaneers games; Veterans Dinner; Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Meal Ministry - prepare and/or deliver meals to shut-ins
Youth Group - become a youth sponsor and help with youth events, fundraisers, and special worship services
Prayer Chain - a group of individuals who agree to pray for those in need of special prayers
Blood Drive - give regularly to help maintain the general supply or for an emergency need
Ingathering - a way for Iowa United Methodists to address hunger problems locally and around the world
Harvest Festival - Fall fundraising event for LeRoy Presbyterian Church with food, auction, parade, games, raffles, and fellowship
Office Help - website, church management system, Facebook, filing, printing, folding, assembling bulletins and newsletters
Grounds Care - mowing and other lawn care
Transportation Outreach - driving folks who cannot drive themselves
Helping Hands - church events such as Watermelon Day, Thanksgiving Dinner, Veterans' Dinner, Easter Breakfast, New Year's Eve Party, Trunk or Treat
PALS Team - monthly teams that handle Sunday treats, potlucks, funeral dinners
TUF Team (Trinity United Fellowship) - Grades 4-6 community outreach program twice a month
VBS (Vacation Bible School) - LeRoy and Humeston
Ladies' Aid - furthering the Kingdom of God by uniting women in spiritual fellowship with a program of education, service, prayer, and giving (LeRoy)
UMW (United Methodist Women) - focus is on mission initiatives (Humeston)
Worship - help plan special services and weekly worship, read scripture, audio/visual (MediaShout at Humeston)
Faith Formation - (formerly Christian Education)
For more information or to volunteer, contact the church office -
Phone: (641)-877-4641
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