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Classes ~ 10 am – 11:00 A.M. (All classes meet year round.)
preschool – 3rd grade
4th grade – 6th grade
jr./sr. high
1 class for adults


Children's Sunday School for ages 3+ is during worship.

Circle of Freedom
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Ed and Karon Coffey entertained children at the Garden Grove park during the town's annual celebration. Children painted butterflies.  They were assisted by several volunteers who had fun with the kids from 11:00am until after noon.  June 8, 2019
Vacation Bible School Outreach (2024)


"Big HEART Farm" ~ Children learned Fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

VBS 2024 1
VBS 2024 2

United Trinity Fellowship Team


BALLGAMES . . .   COOKOUTS . . .   FISHING . . .

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Contact Ed Coffey if you would like to help in anyway with the Shrove Tuesday Supper.

Volunteers are needed to run the projector during Humeston's Sunday worship services. It's easy. Contact Barbara (641-877-4641.)

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Helen Ruth has done it again in 2021,
prefect attendance.
Glenn Heckman, Mike Schroeder & Cathie Hullinger
Receive UMW Special Recognition Awards

The Humeston United Methodist Women's Group presented Glenn Heckman with a Special Recognition Award for his service to the parish, the church, and their organizations.  You may have seen him in the Humeston Church tech booth.  His "behind-the-scenes" work may go unnoticed and is often taken for granted.  Thank you, Glenn, for all you do!  Glenn is pictured with his wife, Kathy.

Sunday, March 11, Mike Schroeder was recognized by the United Methodist Women for his generous service. Often one hears around the church, "We better call Mike!"  Pictured are Mike and his wife, Diane.


Sunday, April 29, Cathie Hullinger was recognized by the United Methodist Women for her service to the parish, the Humeston Church, and to the community.  Cathie gives in many ways.  However, a place we all particularly enjoy seeing her is in the church kitchen.  Pictured are Cathie and her husband, Stan.

Youth Mission Trip

March 15 - 20, 2018:

Parish Youth visit the 9/11 Memorial in New York City as part of a mission trip to Washington, D.C. and New York.

"We saw God in lots of places."
"the Amtrack porter . . .,"
"the park homeless . . .,"
"the church servants . . .,"
". . .the lady who had to change airplane seats and ended up next to me."
"God speaks through people."

UTP Hosts Breakfast at the Park

Fellowship at Lakeside Campground

Good Times Together

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