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United Trinity Parish – LeRoy and Humeston, Iowa
"Through the Seasons"
United Trinity Parish Office
PO Box 218, 510 S. Front St.
Humeston, IA 50123
(641) 877-4641
UTP Online/HCUMC Online Donations:
Office Hours:
Parish Administrative Office:
Weekly - Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday
10:00am - 3:00pm
Feb. 17, the office will be closed until noon.
Feb. 24 the office will be closed all day.
Administrative Assistant: Barbara Hewitt
You may call and leave a message.
Barbara will return your call during her office hours. Please call Barbara during office hours if you are not receiving her e-mail messages.
Pastor Office Hours:
The parish is searching for a new pastor. Please call the Administrative Assistant's office (641-877-4641) with questions or concerns.
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